Samiyah J. Hassan – Articles & Podcast

Hi dear family, You can find me here also, kindly follow me, it means a lot to me. Much love to all of you. Samia

Mortimer J. Adler On Aristotle & Goodness

Mortimer J. Adler was an American ‘Philosopher, educator, editor and writer who wrote in many fields’ he led a great life as he dedicated it to the improvement of the human condition and people finding the meaning behind their existence not merely living but living the ideal existence. Professor Adler approach as a philosopher was... Continue Reading →

Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal Trauma is unlike other forms of trauma. LaDonna Carey psychotherapist, MA in an interview with Laura Reagan, LCSW-C discusses what ‘Betrayal Trauma’ Is when somebody you were relying on for your security have blindsided you with something that knocked you of your feet security had been disrupted with that person I have known that... Continue Reading →

What Major Figures Envisage for 2024? – 1

Noam Chomsky states that USA is the only nation that goes into wars and makes profits that is unknown to mankind! According to many major figures in Writers, thinkers, commentators, Political and economic scientists, and other world leading institutions E.G: World Bank 'economy is set for the weakest half-decade performance in 30 years.' Many claim... Continue Reading →

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